Dry Mouth Relief Remedies

Tips For Dry Mouth Relief: Causes and Treatments

Do you have a dry mouth? If so, it's time to learn about the causes and treatments for Dry Mouth Relief. There are many reasons why people might suffer from this disorder, for example, by medications. Regardless of the cause, there are plenty of ways to treat your dry mouth!

What is Dry Mouth?

A dry mouth is a sensation that you feel when you don't have enough saliva in your mouth, which causes tooth decay and gingivitis.

Symptoms of Dry Mouth:

  • Bad Breath
  • Canker Sores
  • Dry Mouth-Related Cavities and Tooth Decay
  • Dental Plaque Accumulates Plaque on The Teeth, Which Leads to Bad Breath From Bacterial Waste Products like Volatile Sulfur Compounds. 
  • Chronic Sore Throat
  • Difficulties Eating and Swallowing

  • Dry Feeling in Your Nose
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Increased Thirst
  • Lip Sores or Pain
  • Taste Disorders
  • Trouble Wearing Dentures

More severe symptoms include:

  • Tooth Decay
  • Dry eyes and Skin
  • Skin Rash
  • Joint Pain

Causes of A Dry Mouth


If you're not drinking enough fluids, your body might produce less saliva than normal to help with digestion and other bodily functions. Dehydration can cause a more serious condition called xerostomia which may require treatment by a medical professional if it persists too long.


Some chemotherapy drugs work by destroying cells that line the inside of your mouth, tongue, or throat. This type of drug is called a mucosal destroying agent.

A thin layer covering the inside of your mouth, tongue and throat (mucosa) can become inflamed or ulcerated, making it harder for your salivary glands to produce saliva. This hardening of salivary glands can lead to a condition called xerostomia.


One of the most common side effects of many prescription and over-the-counter drugs is dry mouth. Radiation therapy for patients suffering from head and neck cancer may also cause a dry mouth. Few drugs include:

  • Antihistamines
  • Decongestants
  • Bronchodilators
  • Antipsychotics
  • Diuretics
  • Antacids
  • Laxatives

It directly or indirectly affects the flow of saliva in the mouth.

Smoking or Chewing Tobacco:

Smoking and chewing tobacco can decrease saliva production and make the dry mouth more likely.

The smoke irritates the tissues in your mouth and throat. It can make it difficult to swallow, which causes you to produce less saliva.

Alcohol Consumption:

Alcohol is also a side effect of many prescription and over-the-counter drugs, and alcohol consumption can decrease saliva production, leaving the mouth dry.

Sugar Intake:

Sugar-filled foods and drinks can cause dry mouth. A regular daily routine is also important. A regular good routine will ensure that you get enough sleep and exercise and stay hydrated with plenty of water throughout the day.

Natural Home Remedies and Treatments for Dry Mouth (Xerostomia): 

Many of our adults suffer from dry mouth and oral health issues, but there are many home remedies that you can try to get relief from dry mouth and relieve yourself from its discomfort.

How to Treat Dry Mouth at Home?

Following are the ten most easy ways to get rid of dry mouth.

1. Drink Water:

A dry mouth can be caused by something as simple as dehydration if you're not drinking enough fluids. If you have a dry mouth, keep your mouth humid by taking a sip of water to wash away the bacteria in your mouth while waiting for your saliva to come back. It acts as a humidifier which helps to relieve dryness until it does.

2. Lemon Juice:

The acidity in lemon juice can help stimulate saliva production, so it's a natural way to get your mouth moistened up.

3. Mint leaves or gum:

Mint and chewing gum are also good for relieving dryness as they release moisture into your mouth. However, mint is more likely to have a cooling effect as it stimulates the salivary glands.

4. Gargling with Saltwater:

Instead of just plain water, add two teaspoons of salt in a cup of warm water and gargle for up to 30 seconds. You can also add fresh or dried herbs like sage, peppermint, or rosemary, which are also good at stimulating saliva production. Gargling helps balance your body's electrolyte levels and protects against osmotic dehydration, worsening dry mouth symptoms.

5. Suck on Sugar-Free Candies:

People should eat sugar-free candies to stimulate their salivary flow, relieving dry mouth symptoms. Avoiding sugar-containing products is recommended because it can cause tooth decay, and there's an even higher risk of getting tooth decay with a dry mouth.

6. Chew Sugar-Free Gum:

An excellent way to manage dry mouth is to chew sugar-free gum that has earned the ADA Seal of Acceptance.

7. Breath Through Your Nose:

It would be best if you will breathe through your nose, not through your mouth. If you are prone to mouth breathing, speak with your healthcare provider about taking care of allergies or congestion, as this is the most likely cause. If it's an asleep issue, speak with a healthcare provider about stretches that help open airways and keep dryness at bay so you can get a good night's sleep.

8. Quit Smoking:

Smoking can lead to chronic dry mouth.If you smoke and face oral issues, you need to talk with your healthcare providers like your dentist about quitting and ways that will help alleviate the side effects of nicotine withdrawal, such as stress or weight gain. Smoking a cigarette is also counterproductive because it dries out the mouth even more than it already is.

9. Make Your Mouthwash:

Many types of mouthwash are consistently available at pharmacies, but some people find the cost of these products prohibitive. Rather than spending money on store-bought supplies, you can make your own with ingredients from home for pennies a pop!

10. Use a Humidifier:

Breathing in dry air can lead to a dry mouth with time. To avoid it, use a room humidifier to add moisture to your room to make breathing easy.

Treatment to Get Relief From Dry Mouth

  • Manage Any Underlying Conditions Causing Dry Mouth.
  • Prevent Tooth Decay.
  • Increase Saliva Flow

Your healthcare provider will first do a thorough review of your medications, looking for any that may be causing your dry mouth. You can discuss the issue with them, and they might be able to prescribe a different medication.

Following tips can treat dryness of the mouth:

  • Avoid decongestants and antihistamines when possible.
  • Drink water before taking a pill or eating any items that may taste sour. The moisture in your mouth will help the medicine go down easier.
  • Avoid taking medication at night because it causes dry mouth, which leads to increased dental problems.
  • To get relief from a dry mouth, try easy-to-swallow liquids and avoid under-the-tongue forms.

Not only is the side effect of dry mouth unpleasant, but it can also harm your quality of life.

Your healthcare provider may recommend one of three prescription medications:

  • Cevimeline (Evoxac®) is used to treat dry mouth in people who have Sjogren's syndrome.
  • Use Pilocarpine (Salagen®) to increase your natural saliva production.
  • Lubricating gels, like artificial saliva to be applied directly

Researchers are continuously working on ways to repair damaged salivary glands. It means they can also develop a working artificial salivary gland implanted under the skin into the patient's body.

Dry mouth is a common condition caused by many different things, including medications, smoking, or alcohol use. It can also happen naturally with aging.

Dry Mouth Pro Oral Rinse Mouthwash is a mouth moisturizing system that soothes and lubricates the dry mouth while helping maintain a balanced pH in the mouth. Alcohol-free and sugar-free, this refreshing rinse refreshes as it moisturizes!

You deserve to have your best day every day – without worrying about dryness or discomfort in your mouth. That's why we developed our new oral rinse for people who suffer from chronic dry-mouth symptoms like bad breath, sore throat, and difficulty swallowing.

>>Order now! by clicking on the link<<

Michael Colburn