Dry Mouth Natural Treatment

Dry Mouth Treatment Natural 

When the glands that make saliva don't work properly, dry mouth (xerostomia) ensues. It's not a medical issue, but it can be a sign of something else.

A dry mouth is unpleasant and can make your life difficult. It can make you feel as if something is caught in your throat and leave an awful taste in your mouth. What causes dry mouth, exactly? And what can we do about it? Today, we'll address these concerns with some natural cures for dry mouth.

Home Remedies For Dry Mouth 

These remedies are not only proven to cure dry mouth, but also provide some relieve to it.

Drink water  

To deal with dry mouth, drink more water and improve your fluid intake. Dehydration has been linked to dry mouth in studies, however it is a symptom rather than an actual diagnosis or ailment. In many cases, simple remedies such as drinking extra fluids can alleviate symptoms such as dry mouth.

Some drugs should be avoided

More than four out of five cases of dry mouth are caused by medication. According to one study, the following drugs can induce dry mouth.

  • Antihistamines 
  • Hormone medication
  • Antihypertensives

Consult your dentist if you believe your medicine is causing your mouth to become dry. Never discontinue taking a drug without first consulting your doctor.

Stop dehydrating yourself

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Caffeine should be avoided. Caffeinated drinks might dehydrate you. Caffeinated coffee or tea consumption has been linked to dry mouth in studies.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption. Alcohol can promote dehydration, which can lead to dry mouth. This means that while this isn't a confirmed risk factor, it could be an indication of something else.
  • Quit smoking. Tobacco use might also dehydrate you. Dry mouth symptoms might be alleviated by cutting back or quitting smoking. Despite long-term exposure, according to a study published in 2011, smokers still experience irritation of the mouth lining. Despite this, a 2014 study found that smokers have a lower risk of developing these problems than non-smokers.
  • Sugar needs to be dropped. Sugar, like caffeinated beverages, alcoholic beverages, and cigarette products, dehydrates the body. Reduce the amount of sugary meals you eat to help prevent dry mouth.
  • In a study published last year, it was suggested that sugar-containing beverages be avoided.

Snack on sugar-free sweets 

Eating or sucking sugar-free gum, cough drops, or any other kind of candy may provide relief from a dry mouth.

Chew Sugar-free Gum 

Sugar-free gum can also help with dry mouth in the short run. Some xylitol gum, which aids in saliva production and is beneficial for this disease.

Improve your oral hygiene in general

Dry mouth is a symptom of bad oral hygiene, and it can lead to more serious health problems if not treated. It's important to practice good habits such as flossing, rinsing with water after meals, using bead toothpaste-like Sensodyne®, and brushing teeth twice daily.

Use alcohol-free Mouthwash 

Mouthwash can be useful in improving oral hygiene, which may provide relief against dry mouth. As mentioned in a review in 2015 - Trusted Source - xylitol mouthwashes help to increase saliva production, providing short-term relief.

Avoid Mouth Breathing

Mouth-breathing is a leading cause of dry mouth, and long-term effects may include other issues with oral health.

Solution: Dry mouth can be caused by xerostomia, which refers to the decreased saliva production in your mouth. Breathing through the nose as opposed to the mouth is one way you can avoid.  

Buy a Humidifier 

According to one study, providing moisture to your environment can help with dry mouth. A humidifier can help you sleep better at night by reducing the irritation of dry mouth.

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Herbal remedies To Treat Dry Mouth

Several herbs can help to increase saliva production and alleviate dry mouth. These are some of them:

  • Aloe vera - Aloe vera's gel or juice keeps the lips moist. Aloe vera juice is an excellent technique to alleviate dry mouth.
  • Ginger - Many research have highlighted ginger, a well-known herbal sialagogue, and how it impacts saliva production. This notion helps to alleviate dry mouth.
  • Hollyhock root - Similar to aloe vera, hollyhock has a moisturizing effect. With the help of Malva sylvestris, a close relative, a 2016 study found it helped with dry mouth.
  • Marshmallow root - Marshmallow root, like aloe, is an emollient and hydrating herb. It is widely used in traditional herbal medicine. It relieved dry mouth in a 2017 trial with the help of Alcea digitata, a close relative.
  • Nopal cactus - In the health business, the nopal cactus, a traditional Mexican delicacy and medicinal, is gaining appeal. It may aid with dry mouth or hyposalivation, according to a 2017 study.
  • Spilanthes - Bilberry, a well-known plant for treating a variety of diseases, may also aid in the relief of dry mouth and drooling. It may aid in the drying of your mouth.
  • Sweet pepper - Sweet pepper eating improves salivation, according to the findings of one 2011 study and another from 2017.

Try Saliva Substitutes 

Saliva substitutes can be purchased at your local pharmacy. Many brands sell xerostomia and hyposalivation products. These products may provide temporary relief, but they are unlikely to eliminate the cause of your dry mouth in the long run.